Beschi S.n.c. awarded for artisanal quality
The recognition promoted by the Region and Unioncamere Lombardia rewards the reduction of emissions and the reuse of materials for industrial production.
The present and future objective of Beschi is to develop the importance of the use and reuse of plastic materials. Our company proposes increasingly eco-sustainable articles, produced with materials derived from recycling and that reflect a corporate philosophy based on respect for the environment and sustainability. Investments to ensure greater sustainability of the production process include the replacement of all presses with the latest 4.0 hybrid models with high energy savings and the introduction of new chiller groups for cooling the closed circuit water of the molds.
All our products are made with raw materials compliant with Reach regulations, and 30% of purchased plastic materials are made from regenerated plastic derived from post-production. Our company has introduced a “zero waste” philosophy, with an internal recycling system for grinding waste at the press side. Plastic material and finished product packaging are sold to companies specialized in regenerating PE for a second life. Thanks to this corporate philosophy, we were awarded the Green Label 2020 by Fhg Prs Management Netherlands for our contribution to the circular system of pallet reuse.
At Beschi, we have always wanted to demonstrate a strong connection with the territory since our beginnings and have always made artisanal quality our strength.